Another 340 charge that foreign companies "dumped" their products in the United States at "less than fair value."
As of August, the latest data available, the BIS index of the dollar's effective exchange rate was less than 92, or roughly 8% below what some might consider fair, or equilibrium, value.
What happens if the fair market value of the assets of an acquired company is less than the purchase price of the company?
On the one hand, you want to build your book of business, and that may require working for less than fair market value.
Negative Goodwill A gain occurring when the price paid for an acquisition is less than the fair value of its net assets.
On the one hand, you want to build your book of business, and that may require working for less than fair market value.
On the one hand, you want to build your book of business, and that may require working for less than fair market value.