The third largest city is Lethbridge, having a population of about 67,000 persons.
Mark Lethbridge, partner at Drivers Jonas and adviser to Nomura, said the transaction was the largest deal to date on a new office building in London.
DriversJonas合伙人、野村顾问马克·莱思布里奇(Mark Lethbridge)表示,这是伦敦迄今为止规模最大的新办公楼租赁交易。
Two evolutionary psychologists, Paul Vasey and Doug VanderLaan of the University of Lethbridge, Canada tested this idea for the past several years on the Pacific island of Samoa.
来自加拿大Lethbridge大学的两位进化心理学家Paul Vasey和DougVanderLaan过去几年一直在太平洋的萨摩亚岛上验证这种想法。
On Oct. 15, Consul General Liu Yongfeng attended the Installation Ceremony and Reception of Dr. Mike Mahon, the 6th President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Lethbridge.
On july 23 brian bews a pilot of cf-18 fighter jet miraculously had managed to eject to safety before his plane landed crash at the lethbridge country air port near alberta canada.
On July 23, Brian Bews, a pilot of CF-18 fighter jet, miraculously had managed to eject to safety before his plane landed crash at the Lethbridge Country Airport near Alberta, Canada.
7月23日,在加拿大阿尔伯·塔莱斯附近的布里奇机场,F - 18战斗机飞行员在飞机坠毁前弹射逃生。
Thee play opened Thursday, and kicks off the inaugural Lethbridge Fringe Festival, which features seven different shows with four performances each, held at Casa, Club Didi or The Gate.
Thee play opened Thursday, and kicks off the inaugural Lethbridge Fringe Festival, which features seven different shows with four performances each, held at Casa, Club Didi or The Gate.