Conclusion Filling the letters of consent earnestly and enhancing the sense of the letter of consent is the important way to reduce the medic...
We look forward to your affirmative reply and will forward our control documents including the Fixed Number to your branches mentioned above upon receipt of your letter of consent.
It was the standard form of wording for a consent letter.
If I consent to burn them, will you promise faithfully neither to send nor receive a letter again, nor a book (for I perceive you have sent him books), nor locks of hair, nor rings, nor playthings?
This Standby Letter of Credit is not transferable or assignable without our prior written consent.
If a custody order has been issued, a copy of the order must be provided. A letter indicating the other parent's consent is also required.
If a custody order has been issued, a copy of the order must be provided. A letter indicating the other parent's consent is also required.