Which words begin with letter r?
Which words begin with the letter r?
Why are painters fond of the letter R?
The puppies names all are preceded with the letter "R" to show that they came from the "R" litter and to "indicate that they were bred through the program at Lackland."
For example, the English words "rip" and "lip" differ by a single phoneme, one corresponding to the letter "r" and the other to the letter "l."
以英语单词中的“rip”和“lip”为例,两者仅一个音素之差,即前者和字母“r”相关,后者和字母“ l ”相关。
Both single-quoted or triple-quoted strings may be preceded by the letter "r" to indicate that regular expression special characters should not be interpreted by Python. For example.
使用单引号或三重引号的字符串前面可以加一个字母“r ”以表示Python不应该解释规则表达式特殊字符。
The first letter "r" meaning - the way forward, pointing arrow, move pace.
Products with a date code that begin with the letter "R" are not included in this recall.
The FDA sent a similar letter to R. J. Reynolds tobacco co., which makes various dissolvable tobacco products under the Camel brand.
After collecting his wits, the Pope sobs again, "it's the letter 'r'."
在收集他的机智,教皇再次哽咽,“这是字母'R '等。”
The sign is formed by a line across the right foot of the letter "R. " It represents the word "prescription. " It has come to mean "take this medicine. "
Tobacco firm R. J. Reynolds made similar comments in its own letter to FDA, submitted as the agency gathers public comments ahead of drafting its tobacco regulations.
I close with J. R. R. Tolkien's own words: "And even in a mythical Age there must be some enigmas, as there always are. Tom Bombadil is one intentionally. Letter to Naomi Mitchison;".
I close with J. R. R. Tolkien's own words: "And even in a mythical Age there must be some enigmas, as there always are. Tom Bombadil is one intentionally. Letter to Naomi Mitchison;".