Levi Strauss says counterfeits of the company's jeans are flooding Europe.
Levi Strauss has introduced a pay-as-you-wear model for its most fashionable jeans in India to preserve their upmarket status while broadening its customer base.
Levi Strauss couldn't directly control how consumers washed their jeans and when.
Levi Strauss, which pioneered the idea in 1994 with its Original Spin jeans for women, measured customers in its stores and sent their details electronically to its factory.
The Levi Strauss blog confirms their conclusion: "the first blue jeans had four pockets-only one in back and, in the front, two plus the small, watch pocket."
Tesco has been selling some 15,000 pairs of Levi's jeans a week, for about half the price they command in specialist stores approved by Levi Strauss.
The Financial Times reported that Levi Strauss, icon of U. S. jeans culture, yesterday launched its new global brand, Denizen, in Shanghai.
The jeans maker Levi Strauss and Hanebrand, which owns the Wonderbra brand, have warned of higher prices, while the budget fashion chain H&M has also raised the alarm over rising raw material costs.
牛仔裤制造商Levi Strauss和Hanebrand,它拥有Wonderbra品牌,已警告说,价格较高,而预算时装连锁店H&M公司的费用也提出了原材料上涨报警。
1873 - Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis receive a us patent for blue jeans with copper rivets.
This type of success is often attributed to21 blue-jeans icon Levi Strauss, although it's not altogether accurate.
This type of success is often attributed to21 blue-jeans icon Levi Strauss, although it's not altogether accurate.