"The title is" Lifting the Veil ". It just my translation."
And they say lifting the veil of secrecy is one important step toward lifting the "oil curse."
"The brain works on a circuit board," says Helen Mayberg of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, whose team is lifting the veil on DBS.
In slowly lifting the veil of anonymity, perhaps we can see the troll not as the frightening monster of lore, but as what we all really are: human.
Disregard of corporate personality is a case law principle initiated in judging corporate dispute cases by American court, also called by lifting the veil of the corporation.
13foreign donors have promised billions of dollars in aid for the country. Here a young Afghan woman smiles after lifting her veil while waiting to receive food aid. (AFP)?
Foreign donors have promised billions of dollars in aid for the country. Here a young Afghan woman smiles after lifting her veil while waiting to receive food aid. (AFP).
Foreign donors have promised billions of dollars in aid for the country. Here a young Afghan woman smiles after lifting her veil while waiting to receive food aid. (AFP).