The quick succession of strokes is what causes the lightning channel to flicker.
That is why the subsequent lightning that follows the completed channel often strikes a tall structure.
Then a strong current of electrons follows that path from the cloud to the ground, and it is that current that illuminates the channel as the lightning we see.
The channel is only a few centimeters in diameter, but that is wide enough for electrons to follow the channel to the ground in the visible form of a flash of lightning.
Those who regularly watch television sports channel viewers, in large-scale international sports competitions will see the "circle lightning" emblem, which is the German Opel logo.
A question of the assumed channel height is represented and the reasonable reasons are given. The conclusion is useful for calculating the lightning return-stroke electromagnetic fields in the future.
A question of the assumed channel height is represented and the reasonable reasons are given. The conclusion is useful for calculating the lightning return-stroke electromagnetic fields in the future.