A common example includes "like-dislike" polls, in which numerals have been assigned to attributes (1 = Strongly dislike to 5 = Strongly like).
常见的示例包括“好恶”民意测验,其中将数字分配给各个属性(从 1 =非常厌恶到5 = 非常喜欢)。
Oyster is the only seafood I like; I dislike the rest.
One last question, what do you like and dislike about your job?
When we do things we dislike, we may discover something we do like along the way, or simply find a better way to deal with the things we must do.
Just start the conversation, and find out what you like and dislike about her, then choose the one you enjoy the most!
Our personality helps form what we like and dislike.
Knowing what you like and dislike, what you do well in and what you find difficult allows you to make better decisions about friendships, schoolwork and so on.
Focus on how much you like, or dislike these sensations.
Keep it upbeat by talking about what you like rather than what you dislike.
There is always something in our enemy that we like, and something in our sweetheart that we dislike.
Examine what you like and dislike about your work life as well as what traits people like and dislike about you.
No matter how much you dislike them, after all, they really like you, for you are likely an angel in their eyes.
Ask her what she's reading. What does she like and dislike, and why?
I used to dislike the idea, but I'm growing to like it more and more.
Dislike: "I don't like the 'beautiful' picture."
Even though it is the thing far from us, we still put tags of like or dislike on it based on our own personality or mood.
By Jonathan Franzen. Maybe at first, you don't like this book much, as the author seems to dislike and make fun of the main characters.
Now, a study published by the Association for Psychological Science shows one way the winners of life's lotto get the losers to like them more — or at least dislike them less.
Ask questions about what children observe, like, and dislike.
Step 2: Visit each of those gyms/health clubs and tour them to see if you like or dislike the environment/equipment.
Flexing or extending the arms, for example (the motions involved in either pulling or pushing) can make someone more apt to like or dislike something, respectively, researchers have reported.
More want universal health insurance; more distrust force as a way to bring about peace; more like greenery; ever more dislike intolerance on social issues.
The researchers asked the participants to rate each item in a list of 64 occupations, according to whether they would like, dislike or were indifferent to doing that job.
What did you like or dislike about them?
It's also an intuitively appealing explanation for how people come to like (or dislike) each other.
One of the lessons from this year's elections in Latin America is that the region's voters, like those elsewhere, dislike being told what to do by outsiders.
One of the lessons from this year's elections in Latin America is that the region's voters, like those elsewhere, dislike being told what to do by outsiders.