Shakespeare was something like an author.
Owning slaves was " like having a large bank account, " says Wiencek, author of An Imperfect God: George washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America.
Hyla Cass, MD, an integrative medical practitioner and author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health, adds that certain prescription drugs like acid blockers can deprive the body of nutrients like vitamin d.
When author James Fallows shared a beer in a Japanese bar with an English friend in 1986, his friend said, "Why don't you just face the fact that you're second-raters, like us?"
While mapping an author element to an author instance isn't too bad, there's not grouping element, like authors, that makes it clear that each author belongs to a single collection in a Book instance.
And you'll have the memories of Linda growing up in Pennsylvania and you'll remember Linda's family and, like Linda, you'll want to be an author, or whatever it is that Linda wants to be.
If retailer POD became widespread, we would get an Amazon-like long tail for physical books at the retail level. That would eventually change both author and reader behavior.
Now, an ignorant author clicks the pretty-print button and suddenly your element looks like this
The analogy I like to give is if you’re an author and Oprah Winfrey calls, you don’t say, “How much are you going to pay me to go on your show and give away all the ideas in my book?”
The author adds that these 'leaks' can be seen in a person displaying conflicting emotions, like a happy tone of voice paired with an angry facial expression.
Nabokov When we moved on to Nabokov, we had an author trying to imagine a work of art so autonomous from the world that it could be something like an autonomous form of life.
The original literature I like the original literature very much, Although these stories not necessarily are really, But that all is the author becomes aware in an instant feeling.
Now if you take a model like this, even though it's a nasty buzzard from Kentucky that's saying what Gates quotes, nevertheless there is an author, and it has bubbled up from the unconscious of that.
Maybe the external landscape I'm trying to describe is more or less like a mirror. The danger lies in whether an author can find himself in it.
In fact, this author would feel it more appropriate to be associated with an article called something like, 'Foolishness for Life!'
Like a stream of consciousness author, he writes his songs at once, spilling them onto tape with an outpouring of beauty and grace.
The author refers in the article that we could set up an engineering cost database based on cost data like Labor, material. other direct expense, and so on…
The author refers in the article that we could set up an engineering cost database based on cost data like Labor, material. other direct expense, and so on…