I assume he was killed like so many others.
That hacking mystery, like so many others, may go unsolved.
Like so many others, she was badly lacerated by flying glass.
Like so many others, he wants consumers to know his products are safe.
That prediction, like so many others about the future of communications, was wrong.
But his career, like so many others, was equal parts ambition, curiosity, and chance.
Like so many others before me, I fell in love with the romance of airplanes, adventure and helping others.
It was given to Madoff by the owners of the New York Mets, who like so many others, fell victim to his schemes.
Like so many others, the little tramp and his friend have rushed there in search of gold, but without success.
Like so many others, the little tramp and his friend have rushed there in search of gold, but without success.
Like so many others, fellow employees and students don't know what to say and are trying to protect your feelings and their own.
She told him before the wedding that she was attracted to women, but like so many others in her life he had assumed it was a phase that she'd get over.
The jacket carried particular irony. It was given to Madoff by the owners of the New York Mets, who like so many others, fell victim to his schemes.
Twelve years ago, on a balmy, blissful summer's afternoon at my very first Glastonbury, I fell in love, just like so many others did, with Jeff Buckley.
The pair, Chen Shi and Zheng Jia, said their middle school, like so many others, had collapsed within seconds. About 100 of their schoolmates died, they said.
Like Schwartz and so many others, I often find myself distracted and off task.
So said differently, many companies like our own are built on the failures of others.
The Northern Line has the worst reputation, but many others can be hellish at rush hour, with packed platforms and even more sardine-can-like trains, often so full that no-one else can get on.
I like to interact with others, so I have many friends.
But in truth, it's just an excuse to mask my feeling of inferiority over feeling like others know so much about so many things.
So I am plagued with this issue like many others have been but with no solution.
The Northern Line has the worst reputation, but many others can be hellish at rush hour, with packed platforms and even more sardine -can-like trains, often so full that no-one else can get on.
The Northern Line has the worst reputation, but many others can be hellish at rush hour, with packed platforms and even more sardine -can-like trains, often so full that no-one else can get on.