“I’m so sorry, ” I told her. “What has it been like for you losing your husband after so many years of marriage?”
But like most people with a passion for something, if you love it and have a genuine interest, you will study it exhaustively over many years.
For many years, you and grandma are just like the generals, agglomerating and leading our whole family.
Walking alone for so many years, also didn't think what, until meet you. Would you like to accompany me to finish walk the rest of the way?
ABSTRACT: There's nothing quite like opening a bottle that's been cellared for many years. In the future you will thank you for starting a wine collection.
Thanks, I've practicing Tai Chi for many years. Do you like Tai Chi?
And so for all of my employees across the globe, I'd like to give a heart-felt congratulation to all of you for 15 years and may you have many more successful years ahead of you.
You are like the stars for me even if many years later will be send out faint in the memory but warm light.
Now in case you would like to access lots of jokes, here is one great site named, had been online for many years and has been collecting and Posting jokes for many years.
Many of you did not like that the account would renew for another 3 years after your first 3 years for free.
For many years, Nordisk has focused on development and design of high quality functional outdoor equipment. This to please all of you who - like us - enjoy being part of nature and the great outdoors.
For many years, Nordisk has focused on development and design of high quality functional outdoor equipment. This to please all of you who - like us - enjoy being part of nature and the great outdoors.