What is the equivalent of this line of code for Universal Analytics?
SBS generated 35,000 line of code for this project, and an estimated of 42% effort was saved.
So the developers already have a pretty good idea of how to implement the service, even though they haven't yet implemented a single line of code for it.
Theoretically, if you write code only to satisfy an existing test, then by definition you can achieve coverage for every line of code you write.
Theoretically, if you write code only to satisfy an existing test, then by definition you can achieve coverage for every line of code you write.
Note: Some code listings may have a backslash character, "\", to indicate the line of code is continuous but has been formatted for readability.
For example, with segmentation faults, you need to know on which line of code the seg fault occurred.
One way would be to create an array of booleans, one for each line of the original method, and add code that sets the appropriate flag as each line is executed.
You can use the line of code shown in Listing 6 to specify a default value for an argument that is absent.
The detailed analysis functions of this tool enable the administrator to see detailed flows and metrics, including a leak detection analysis that points out the line of code responsible for the leak.
If you look at the code for the script you just recorded, you should see a line of code similar to that in Listing 1.
For example, C-based languages use a semicolon (;) to indicate the end of a line of code.
But in software, it is common to execute a line of code that causes an instability that doesn't manifest for hundreds or thousands of seemingly unrelated lines of code away.
Note: in the preceding code example, the code normally appears as a single continuous line. In this instance, the lines of code are split into multiple lines for ease of formatting and printing.
The line of code below searches the PATH variable looking for a semicolon.
By the way, that's a comment on the first line (with the name of the source file for the code example).
The fundamental questions you need to ask are how long will a developer spend writing a line of code and how many lines are going to be required for this project?
In fact, for 4 of them, it's as simple as changing one line of code.
Once every method has at least one test, use a code coverage tool, such as Cobertura, to write one test for every branch until each line of code is tested.
Optionally, for better usability, add the following line of code to the onclick event for the edit button.
Every line of code you eliminate is one less place for bugs to sneak in.
Now, there's a cost-effective means of seeing how usable your pages are: Userfly, a simple way to test your site's usability for free - with one line of code.
It only takes a second to add an additional comment line for each 3 lines of code.
If Internet Explorer isn't your browser of choice or you write code for non-Microsoft browsers, then you need different code. In fact, this is the really simple line of code you saw back in Listing 1.
In fact, each record can be printed with a line for the name components; a line for the street component of the address; and a line for the city, state, and zip code components of the address.
And add the following line of code to the onclick event for the Replace document and Cancel buttons.
The following code for a JSP page invokes the table tag to display the Employee table (single line of code displayed on multiple lines for viewing convenience)
TableValueDisplay.properties (single line of code displayed on multiple lines for viewing convenience)
TableHeaderDisplay.properties (single line of code displayed on multiple lines for viewing convenience).
That is, if a function has a certain set or range of valid values for its arguments, an assertion to this effect can be placed as the first line of code in the function.