The order is represented by a business object that contains a number of simple type attributes and an array of order line items as shown in Figure 3.
订单由包含许多简单类型属性和一个订单行式项目数组的业务对象表示,如图 3 所示。
After you import a Line-of-Business (LOB) application to SharePoint Server 2007, you can make the surfaced data searchable by creating a content type.
在我们导入一个Line - of - Business (LOB)应用到SharePointServer 2007中后,我们可以通过创建内容类型来实现数据层的搜索。
After you import a Line-of-Business (LOB) application to SharePoint Server 2007, you can make the surfaced data searchable by creating a content type.
在我们导入一个Line - of - Business (LOB)应用到SharePointServer 2007中后,我们可以通过创建内容类型来实现数据层的搜索。