This creates a hard link to a file.
When you make edits to a file through the link, you are editing the original.
After uploading you will be given a link, that others can use to download your file.
Of course, you can extend this behavior to access a database, perform complex business logic, or do anything else you might come up with to figure out what file to link to.
Symbolic links are used extensively on UNIX systems to link two areas of a file system.
A hyperlink, file path, or folder name is used to link to the content.
Instead, create a hard link from the new backup to the same file in the existing backup.
Clicking this link allows you to move up the file system hierarchy until you eventually get as high as you can possibly go: the root directory.
A link is a reference to a file, so that you can let files be seen in multiple locations of the file system.
BPEL4WS enabled WSDL definitions require some additional information and since this WSDL file will be used in the BPEL4WS process, it requires a service link definition to be added to the file.
In so doing, it is helpful to link to the downloadable file that contains the software update, and a Web page that describes the update.
The proper solution is to compile all levels to SWC libraries, which you link to final SWF file.
To access this list of users, add a link to users.php on the index.php file, right above the form.
为了访问这个用户列表,在index . php文件中表单的上方添加一个到users . php的链接。
Once installed, run it; you should see a simple page with a link to the phpinfo.php file.
To find which files link symbolically to a particular file, you can use the find command and the -lname option with a filename, as illustrated in Listing 12.
It does nothing more than link to the toc.xml file.
它只是用于链接到toc . xml文件。
When accessed, a symbolic link file, also called a symlink, redirects the requester to another file.
The use of relative paths allows you to link to a file by walking up and down the tree of directories as needed, for instance.
Finally, for OpenSocial compatible networks and applications, a link to an XML file is provided and for anywhere else you need a gadget, there's a generic embed code that can be used.
You can also create a link to the interfaces file or use the IFILE server option in the create server statement to specify the full path to the file.
The file kxp12.c is renamed in a more readable manner, then the link command is used to create a symbolic link back to the original file name, in case it's still used elsewhere.
重新命名文件kxp12 . c以提高可读性,然后使用link命令来创建到原始文件名的符号链接,以防在其他位置使用该文件名。
Link to a Web page with a file of the documentation cd-rom.
到web页面的链接,其中包含文档CD - ROM的可下载的. zip文件。
When you're in the HTML file, get rid of the button and put in a link to a new file - one you'll call phpinfo.php, as Listing 6 shows.
在HTML文件中,去掉按钮并放入一个到新文件的链接—一个将会调用phpinfo . php的链接,参见清单6。
Just send them a link to the Google Docs file.
The Download section of this article contains a link to a zip file that contains two db2 scripts: mondelta.db2 and mondeltadrop.db2.
本文的下载部分包含一个zip文件的链接,其中包含两个db 2脚本:mondelta . db2和mondeltadrop . db2。
To link in the Dojo file from one of the CDNs, modify your index.html file to look like the one in Listing 3.
要从一个CDN中链接Dojo文件系统,修改您的index.html 文件使其看起来如清单 3 所示。
This was especially dangerous, because Internet Explorer, when it viewed a Web page with a link to a MIDI file, would automatically load the file and try to play it.
If you happen to call stat on a symbolic link, you'll get back information about the file to which the link points.
The edit link allows you to edit the XML entry and the edit-media link allows you to edit the actual media file.
编辑链接允许我们编辑XML条目,而edit- media链接允许我们编辑真正的媒体文件。
Doing so will fire up an embedded browser in Eclipse that defaults to your context root - where you've defined that index.html file with a link to your Groovlet.
这么做会在Eclipse中打开嵌入的浏览器,它在默认情况下访问您的上下文根—这里有index . html文件,文件包含Groovlet的链接。