The linker option or options to be passed to the linker.
The topic for each linker option discusses how it can be set in the development environment.
The very large memory model, like the large memory model, can be enabled for an executable at compile time with a linker option or at run time using the LDR_CNTRL environment variable.
No compiler-specific option like DNDEBUG is required, and you don't need to provide a library to the linker -- the lone header is sufficient.
不需要诸如 DNDEBUG 等特定于编译器的选项,并且您不需要向链接器提供库——单凭该头文件就足够了。
First, the linker is instructed (with the -wl option) to generate a map file, and the compiler is instructed to generate debug symbols (-g).
首先,要(使用-Wl选项)通知链接器生成一个映像文件,并(使用- g选项)通知编译器生成调试符号。
Although you don't have to use the - I option to get the preprocessor to search the current directory, you do have to use the -l option to get the linker to search the current directory.
虽然没有使用-i选项让预处理器查找当前目录,你也使用了- L选项让链接器去查找当前目录。
The linker will first search in the path specified by this option, and then search in the path specified in the LIB environment variable.
The linker will first search in the path specified by this option, and then search in the path specified in the LIB environment variable.