Axial liquid backmixing coefficients weakened at higher magnetic intensity and liquid viscosity, but enhanced at higher superficial liquid velocity and larger particle size.
With increasing of superficial gas velocities, the liquid flow regime was changed from homogeneous to transitional and radial gradient of axial liquid velocity was rather small.
The influences of the superficial gas velocity, solid holdup and flowing resistance on gas holdup, bubble size, bubble rise velocity and liquid velocity were systematically studied.
Further increase of the superficial gas velocity could not yield an additional increase in mean liquid velocity.
Theliquid-slug frequency increase by the increase of the superficial liquid velocity.
The effects of superficial gas velocity, catalyst loading and liquid properties on gas holdup were investigated in a slurry reactor.
Liquid circulation rate and gas holdup in an air-lift loop reactor were experimentally investigated as changing with the superficial gas velocity for the system of air-water.
Liquid circulation rate and gas holdup in an air-lift loop reactor were experimentally investigated as changing with the superficial gas velocity for the system of air-water.