It shows that clay mineral assemblage is clearly associated with deposition stages and lithological characters of salt lakes.
The main influential factors are altitude, aspect, temperature and precipitation, lithological characters and structure and relief.
The relation between clay-bearing carbonate rock acoustical and lithological characters was investigated under the air-saturated condition.
There are great differences among the strengths of roadway roof strata with different lithological characters; and the strata strengths are also different in various coal mines.
With the difference of lithological characters considered, the generalized subsidence formula for strata and surface movement is derived. Some applied fields and an example are given.
On the basis of lithological characters and electricity of volcanic rock, the volcanic rocks in Permian strata in Mid-Tarim area were divided into distinct units of lava cell and lava group.
The paper discusses igneous rock lithological features, spatial distributive characters and its influence on coal seam and coal quality of Huanghebei coalfield, Sha ndong Province.
The paper discusses igneous rock lithological features, spatial distributive characters and its influence on coal seam and coal quality of Huanghebei coalfield, Sha ndong Province.