Sybil was the first cat to live in the street since the legendary Humphrey, a stray who took up residence under prime minister Margaret Thatcher and outstayed John Major.
We find them everywhere: in books and newspapers, in the street, and on the walls of the places where we live and work.
She was accused of nimbyism and blamed for gentrification, but no one was more disappointed than she was to discover, in the 1990s, that she could no longer afford to live on Hudson Street.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown, his wife Sarah and their two sons live in the bigger flat at Number 11 Downing Street, traditionally the home of the Chancellor.
She and her husband recently moved out of Huan Xing to an apartment with running water and indoor plumbing. Her husband’s parents still live in a tulou, a ramshackle one across the street.
She and her husband recently moved out of Huan Xing to an apartment with running water and indoor plumbing. Her husband's parents still live in a tulou, a ramshackle one across the street.
In his homily, Benedict issued an appeal for children who are abused, forced to live on the street or serve as soldiers.
Five of her best friends, all children of Columbia faculty, live on 116th Street between Riverside and Morningside, and commute together to their high school in the Bronx.
I live in a rented room on the fifth floor; beneath my window the trams roll in the narrow street day and night, as if rattling headlong across my room; night-time, trams far away shriek like owls.
我住在租的房子里,五楼。 在我的窗台下面,有轨电车昼夜不停地滚滚流动,好像要极速穿过我的房间,有轨电车的声音远远的传来,像猫头鹰的尖叫。
I live in the downtown area, and the window of my study faces the busiest street in our city. However, every weekend, I would choose to sit at the desk, putting my thoughts into words silently.
The two even live on the same street, in a village close to Tesco's head office in Cheshunt, north of London.
I never saw a light on, I never saw tire tracks in his driveway, and I live across the street.
We were talking of a neighbor of ours in former days, who had always worked with her window open from the time when she came to live on the street.
I don't expect you to be a billionaire, but it's up to you whether you want to live on easy street or to be out on the street in the future.
I live and work in a 100-year old Victorian in a neighborhood called Cole Valley, near the Golden Gate park and Haight Street.
Now wI live in an apartment across the street from here and I work near here. I'm a computer programmer.
There are no shop in the area, but street hawkers abound. They sell everything from fruit and vegetables to bicycle tyres. Most of these hawkers live in the area.
A popular food, as in so popular you can buy it on the street from a cart in some places, is a type of live octopus called Sannakji.
You must see first that there is love at home and at your next-door neighbour's and in the street you live in, in the town you live in and only then outside.
We live in a quiet street in the city of Kowloon.
I live in an apartment across the street from here.
If you live in an apartment surrounded by busy roads full of traffic, beeping horns, people Shouting and litter on the street, this could cause stress and have a negative effect on your mood.
The pigeons used in the study are racing pigeons, who usually live four times longer than street pigeons because they're so well cared for.
Because we live in rural area where no street Numbers are used, I was concerned that the carrier would have trouble finding us.
Luis, Momo, Nando and I live in the same street and spend a lot of time together.
Luis, Momo, Nando and I live in the same street and spend a lot of time together.