The chief cause of the current trend was likely to be a fundamental shift in climate, although local changes in cloud cover and snowfall may also be having an effect.
Just as transforming forested lands into cities can change the local climate, scientists have found evidence that Three Gorges Dam and its enormous reservoir might have a similar effect.
This paper evaluates the effect of local climate around Longquan tunnel on ventilation of Longquan tunnel.
The calculation shows that the Baiyangdian Lake has an regulative and progressive effect on the local climate.
This contrast may show the feature of the effect of the urban buildings on the wind profiles in lower atmospheric layer on the part of local climate.
Absorbing heat and regulating temperature and humidity, it will keep under control local space micro-climate, contributing at the same time in contrasting the urban heat island effect.
Absorbing heat and regulating temperature and humidity, it will keep under control local space micro-climate, contributing at the same time in contrasting the urban heat island effect.