Our team has logged up an unusual number of wins this season.
We have logged up a remarkable series of gains in technical innovation.
Once you have logged into the dashboard, you should see all the applications line up on the left pane.
Use the tools at your disposal to leave reminders for yourself on the system — they take up less space than notes on paper, and you'll see them from anywhere you happen to be logged in.
The city of the future is shaping up to be a neighborly Panopticon, leeched of the cosmopolitan ability to see, and not be seen, where every nosepick is noted and logged and uploaded to the Internet.
Enter the user ID and password of the user that you created when you set up the server, not the admin user credentials that you used when you first logged in.
Emergency fire and police calls are also logged and reported, and Mrs Babbage grows concerned about the frequency of aid responses to an elderly homeowner up the street.
I haven't stopped in to see if my favorite teachers are still around, donated to the scholarship fund, or logged onto classmates.com to check up on the old gang.
You can see that a logged-in user can log out or view his or her profile, and a logged out user can sign up or log in.
Being a man of action, he brought up the laptop and logged on to the NHS Swine Flu symptom-checker.
Once logged in, users would have access to any website that has signed up for the program.
If you are the only user on your Ubuntu system (or if you have a default user on a Ubuntu system that should always be the user logged in) then you might want to consider setting up auto login.
Project managers view the roll-up of incurred expenses for their project, as well as expenses logged per team member
Another approach would be to detect XMLHttpRequest when a user logged in, and then serve up either an Ajax version of the application or a regular forms-based version as appropriate.
Under the full recovery model or bulk-logged recovery model, if the transaction log has not been backed up recently, backup might be what is preventing log truncation.
Once you've logged in and set up your own Marketplace account by accepting Microsoft's terms and conditions, you can quickly and easily download apps.
I logged everything in an electronic file at work and backed it up on my home computer, including a list of individuals who were witness to those events.
Mortals can barely keep up with machine-logged data. Most of it is not designed or intended for direct human analysis.
I've seen some people's sites boasting hundreds of friends, all moments away down a fiber optic cable, providing they are logged on to their computers or hooked up to a high-spec cell phone.
Today when I woke up, I logged onto the site and guess how many different articles with either Kobe or LeBron's name in the title were displayed on the front page.
Today, I woke up and took my mom to work. It wasn't until after I got home, logged on facebook and looked at the upcoming birthdays to see that it was her birthday today.
Today, I woke up and took my mom to work. It wasn't until after I got home, logged on facebook and looked at the upcoming birthdays to see that it was her birthday today.