Sure, you sacrifice some of your sweet single years, but in exchange you get to make a long-term investment in one person, building a deep, abiding love that has the potential to last a lifetime.
It's the result of abiding by rules that were carefully constructed and practices that were begun by people living in the long shadow of the Dark Ages.
As long as you locate what you want in accordance to law, it is relatively simple and easy to be a law-aware and law-abiding corporate citizen.
As long as the cheating in activities of publishing management cannot be avoided, the struggle between abiding by one's credit and violating one's credit exists.
As long as you are law-abiding, you have less worry about living in a goldfish bowl.
只要你是奉公守法,你就不用太操心住在「 金鱼缸」里。
As long as Banks file these results within 40 days of the quarter's close, they are abiding by SEC rules.
The eighteen incompatible medicaments, the nineteen medicaments of mutual restraint and the contraindication during pregnancy, which the practitioners have been abiding by, have a long history.
The eighteen incompatible medicaments, the nineteen medicaments of mutual restraint and the contraindication during pregnancy, which the practitioners have been abiding by, have a long history.