Dynamic load stimulated the growth of longitudinal diameter of long bone more greatly than static load.
We speculated that force be key to the elevation of bone IGF-I level. And IGF-I was an important factor to bone longitudinal growth.
本研究结果提示运动中下肢骨承重及受力大小与其纵向生长有关,运动可引起骨组织igf - I水平升高,骨中igf - I水平可能是影响骨生长的重要因素。
We speculated that force be key to the elevation of bone IGF-I level. And IGF-I was an important factor to bone longitudinal growth.
本研究结果提示运动中下肢骨承重及受力大小与其纵向生长有关,运动可引起骨组织igf - I水平升高,骨中igf - I水平可能是影响骨生长的重要因素。