Look left and right before you cross the road.
Look left and right to make sure it's safe before you go across the street.
Before you cross the street, you must look left and right.
Clever boys and clever girls, look left and right, look left and right.
Before moving into the exit lane, look left and right and check your mirrors.
As you approach the intersection, look left and right for traffic on the intersecting road.
At all these locations, look left and right to check for vehicles or pedestrians about to enter the road.
To learn: Don't play in the street, don't jump around and fight, eyes wide open, ears wide open, clever boys and clever girls look left and right.
Focus on moving your users' eyes from left to right and keeping fonts consistent and moving from large to small as their eyes run down the page. Work on spacing and a clean look.
Note: Look at the models left arm (camera right) in both examples above. On the left, her arm is aligned with the eyes and creates a diagonal that leads down and away from the face.
For the most convincing look, assume the light source to be at the top left of the page - the shadow should simply be a thick grey line along the bottom and up the right edge of your shape.
From this distance, the left and right models look pretty much the same.
Most feed readers have the same look and feel as E-mail applications or newsgroup readers, with folders on the left and content to the right.
We can look at this image and easily visualize the horizon line and the buildings stretching past the left and right edges, almost as if we're looking through a window.
To follow the page flow pertaining to selecting, booking, and paying for a flight, look in the lower half, starting in the left quadrant, and then in the lower-right quadrant, starting at the top.
Just push yourself back from your desk and spin around four or five times from right to left with your eyes open. Then look back at this screen.
But if you cover the left stroke and only look at the right stroke, if you show people only the right stroke, it is an opportunity, right?
If the facts object contains any join references, then look at each of these join objects and keep track of all attributes from both the left and right sides of these joins.
Using the hypersensitive camera on the monitor, Dr. Shatzel zoomed in and out and swung the display left and right, much as if he were turning his head to look around the room.
If Di contains any join references, then look at each of these join objects and keep track of all attributes from both the left and right sides of these joins.
But in the process, the heart ADAPTS and changes. Its left and right ventricles enlarge. It begins to look quite different than a non-athlete's heart.
To find which side of the join Di is supposed to be on, look at the attributes for both the left and right sides of the join to see which side contains attributes for Di.
They are supposed to be cloaked, so that humans can look right at them and not SEE them, but mistakes are made in the rush to place the boxes, on occasion, so some are left visible.
Users initially look at the top left and upper portion of the page before moving down and to the right.
Next step was to take a deeper look on these drawn lines and make sure that all points has a nice smooth flow both from front, back, left right and top.
Next step was to take a deeper look on these drawn lines and make sure that all points has a nice smooth flow both from front, back, left right and top.