You don't want to lose out on this.
Their family would lose out on 30 years of earnings.
When you lose out on a job opportunity, it is because it wasn't the right job for you.
You work hours of overtime, lose out on sleep, and before you know it, you're sick as a dog.
Try not to get discouraged if you lose out on the first - or second - house you make an offer on.
He or she will become your crutch and you will lose out on meeting other people and potential friends.
They would rather lose themselves than see one of their friends or colleagues lose out on the situation.
Don't be afraid of change, you may lose out on something good, but you might gain something even better.
Of path you have access to it completely completely wrong and lose out on the person you've always dreamed of.
And they'll lose out on the jobs that come with producing new products - jobs critical to an expanding middle class.
Over 12 years, a 15-day deficit means American children lose out on 180 days of school, equivalent to an entire year.
Sometimes, IT leaders focus so much on the formal structure of the company that they lose out on informal leadership.
Mothers lose out on the health benefits they get from nursing. Why would anyone want to give all that up if they didn't have to?
Since power is bought through competitive bidding, Berliner said, Mirant would lose out on bids if its prices weren't low enough.
Many career women fear that if they don't live up to society's expectations, they will lose out on promotions and pay raises.
Is it ultimately these industries that don't give Shanghai its blue sky, or is it functional departments unwilling to lose out on money?
The daughter's choices may 'cost her something she may lose out on a promotion or, at the very least, look like an adolescent,' Dr. Meeker says.
If you don't consider this and you don't have a good approach, then you can potentially lose out on some of the benefits the Rational tools can provide.
Now there is an irony there, because without the myth, we lose out on a great many worth to survive With myth, taken literally, we are self-fullfilling the past.
Firms lose out on hiring lawyers with skills that win and keep clients, and candidates decrease their chances of receiving offers from their preferred firms.
But generally though certainly not always, when your parents dislike a friend of yours, they are often proved right in the long run and lose out on both sides.
If you're not prepared for the responsibilities and consequences of getting that big break, then you might lose out on a golden opportunity without ever knowing it.
Now we are cultivating in accord with the Buddhadharma, and many people disapprove of what we are doing. They think they will lose out on too much if they cultivate.
In this final moment of reckoning, multi-channel companies whoseoffline business has already established a strong brand and loyal customers areless likely to lose out on the sale.
It won't kill you if you fail to follow the instructions for how to use a new time tracking software program at work, but you may lose out on wages or waste time redoing your time sheets later.
If the Rock's mortgages are sold off in a hurry and its franchise, staff and branches dismantled pell-mell, the taxpayer would lose out. Nobody would pay much for the assets on offer.
If the Rock's mortgages are sold off in a hurry and its franchise, staff and branches dismantled pell-mell, the taxpayer would lose out. Nobody would pay much for the assets on offer.