For the loss of life expectancy by malignant tumors, lung cancer was the severest in men and women (male 1.21 years, female 0.63 years).
Or the disease can be progressive, shorten life expectancy and result in the loss of control of most bodily functions.
The effect of infectious diseases and parasitosis on per capita life expectancy arranged the 7th of death cause and the 6th formation resulting in the latent loss of longevity.
传染病与寄生虫病对人均期望寿命的影响在各死因中排第7位; 造成的潜在寿命损失排第6位。
The effect of infectious diseases and parasitosis on per capita life expectancy arranged the 7th of death cause and the 6th formation resulting in the latent loss of longevity.
传染病与寄生虫病对人均期望寿命的影响在各死因中排第7位; 造成的潜在寿命损失排第6位。