The doctor said I is love-sick.
"He was so love-sick after parting from his young girlfriend that he refused to go back to his nursery unless little Hala came too," Juma said.
Smoking people love sick leave.
We gay people at least have the advantage of being brought up to expect the world of love to be imponderably and unmanageably difficult, for we are perverted freaks and sick aberrations of nature.
Now, there was a very young and beautiful wife, who became sick and nearly died. She was on her death bed and told her husband, "I love you very much, and I don't want to leave you."
I charge you, o daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him, that I am sick of love.
Although I admit that I am sick of the current development, I would say I'm driven by my love for Europe, European culture and Europeans.
We age, grow, learn, get sick, get well, gain weight, lose weight, find new interests and drop old ones. Many people fear that if their love is free to change, it will vanish.
If the wealth will be used to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless, heal the sick; to care for and love people, then money can make you holy.
Love the greatest misery is that you make me sick, but you and me.
Your way of doing it is by spreading peace and love and our way is by putting that love into action in the service of the sick, the dying and the unwanted.
Sometimes people we love become sick and die.
Softhearted is life. | love you are sick.
The love hunt: This is a common syndrome for people who, in their formative years, never received much positive attention unless they were sick or hurt.
When Apollo saw Daphne, he was sick with love. But Daphne refused Apollo.
True love is a durable fire, in the mind ever burning, never sick, never old, never dead, from itself never turning.
Here I vowed to only love you forever, no matter in the health or sick, buchibuqi until death do us apart.
The packs love to entertain sick children in the hospitals.
I charge you, o daughters of Jerusalem, if you meet my beloved's, and to tell him, I am sick of love.
I'll love to, but my son is sick today.
When you're in love, you feel dizzy and sick to your stomach (but in a good way).
A newborn baby is a fruit of deep love, the process of going through sick and thin together will make marital life as solid as a rock and marriage bonds as deep as ocean.
A newborn baby is a fruit of deep love, the process of going through sick and thin together will make marital life as solid as a rock and marriage bonds as deep as ocean.