In this regard, we take low temperature hot water floor radiant heating system as an example to analyze the problem.
Combining with economy, analyse and compare the impact on indoor thermal environment in the region after running the low temperature hot water radiant system heating and others heating type.
The design of the heating system for Olympic village residential projects is introduced, including low-temperature hot water floor radiant heating system and radiator heating system.
The radiant floor heating coil pipe of low temperature hot water has important meaning for the system of safe operation.
The low temperature hot water floor radiant heating system is introduced in this paper. Thermal comfort feature and energy-saving of this system are discussed.
The low temperature hot water radiant floor heating system has been used widely in residence and office buildings for its energy-saving, environmental friendly, cozy and high-efficiency advantages.
Low temperature hot water floor radiant heating system consists of heat source, and the collector, the heat insulation layer, heating pipe, pipeline, valve, filling layer and filter etc...
Compared with radiator heating system on energy saving problem, this paper adjust analyze the all aspects of advantages and disadvantages of low temperature hot water floor radiant heating.
Compared with radiator heating system on energy saving problem, this paper adjust analyze the all aspects of advantages and disadvantages of low temperature hot water floor radiant heating.