This system is used to pump water into the core, low pressure safety injection and high pressure safety injection.
And we have, if you will, a low pressure injection system that will also provide water into the core for low pressure. And we have boron that's capable of being inserted as well, as needed.
Water injection efficiency depends on whether the injection pressure is high or low in water injection Wells.
Injection realize, in the pressure cooling, the use of low temperature water to mold a cooling cuisine, so as to narrow the products of the cooling time, drive up produce efficiency.
This zone has the features of poor property, poor communication and low energy, and pressure is not affected by water injection well.
This technique has strong pertinence, good efficiency of removing plug, low cost of materials, which can decrease water injection pressure, increase efficiency of removing plug of oil and water...
This technique has strong pertinence, good efficiency of removing plug, low cost of materials, which can decrease water injection pressure, increase efficiency of removing plug of oil and water...