We have been rewarded with an ever-growing, loyal customer base.
We will continue to build a loyal customer base by giving the customer more.
We believe in having a loyal customer base and for that we have to give something back for the community.
Also, with its loyal customer base, the company has been able to negotiate good rates on a number of services on behalf of its customers.
I actually had a pretty loyal customer base who wanted the Xerox brand to survive, and we had an incredibly loyal employee base who wanted to save the company.
Bill Porter is a real person who had 3 cerebral palsy and can barely make out sentences, yet he built a very loyal customer base selling products door to door.
ICQ's long-standing brand name and its sizeable loyal customer base together represent a very attractive opportunity to further strengthen our position in the region.
Building a loyal customer base for your brand is only possible if all franchises operate in unison, or if all suppliers maintain the same level of quality assurance.
Funding a business with the crowd not only raises cash but can also attract a loyal customer base and encourage funders to be company ambassadors due to their vested interest.
Nokia (NOK) has a vast customer base but lacks a smartphone platform to keep them loyal.
Nokia (NOK) has a vast customer base but lacks a smartphone platform to keep them loyal.