So, one lunar cycle was one Egyptian month, and about four of the months would constitute a season.
Consequently, the timing and rhythms of biological functions must closely match periodic events like the solar day, the tides, the lunar cycle, and the seasons.
The calendars that were developed at the lower latitudes were influenced more by the lunar cycle than by the solar year.
And this lunar cycle repeats itself every 12 years.
The tides come and go consistently with the lunar cycle.
New Moon premiers in the US on 17 November 2009, which, in the Lunar Cycle, is a new moon.
Roommates might get their periods at the same time because of the moon's lunar cycle , Wider says.
再扯远一点,因为月球周期的缘故 ,同住一室的伙伴的经期可能会变得相同。
Your sign is, of course, very sensitive to the lunar cycle because the Moon is your planetary ruler.
Then, wham, danger spikes as those hungry lions can now operate in darkness for the rest of the lunar cycle.
Beneath the heavenly sphere this solar cycle is mirrored in the lunar cycle of wax and wane and tidal ebb and flood.
As an added benefit, making the first three months of the year each 30 days would bring them into closer alignment with the lunar cycle.
The reason is that this lunar clash with dreamy Neptune begins a long void lunar cycle - lasting until 3:30AM PST on Saturday morning.
原因是这种月球与梦幻海王星之间的错位一旦发生,就会开始一段漫长而寂静的太阴周,它将持续到太平洋标准时间周六凌晨0 3。
For the first time, she has published a calendar for biodynamic wine drinkers, which explains what to drink at what point on the lunar cycle.
The scientists checked the data for all possible natural influences such as the lunar cycle as well as random variations and found neither to be at play.
Complete ripening for the sugar, tannins and skins was only achieved 125 days after flowering - a vegetative cycle longer than usual in a year with 13 lunar cycles.
More recently, scientists found that beach pollution is worse during the full moon. That discovery, however, is linked to real variations in tides related to the lunar cycle.
An outer layer on each of the eight surrounding pyramids selectively blocks out portions of the structures throughout the month, keeping track of the lunar cycle like hands on a clock.
"We can study the meteorological cycle on another planetary body involving a different molecule (methane)," said Emily Schaller, of the University of Arizona's Lunar and planetary Laboratory.
60 years on the Lunar calendar is called "Jia Zi", meaning a full cycle.
As the Tiger Year in the Chinese lunar year cycle, 2010 provides a perfect context for the campaign, which is intended to raise awareness of the endangered species.
They made this 12-moon cycle into one year, which led to a 354-day lunar calendar.
The Chinese lunar calendar assigns an animal symbol to each year in a 12-year cycle.
The June eclipse cycle includes two partial solar eclipses and one total lunar eclipse.
Each of them represents a lunar year. They appear in a fixed order and the cycle repeats every 12 years.
Each of them represents a lunar year. They appear in a fixed order and the cycle repeats every 12 years.