It is possible that tubes made from animal bones were used for spraying because hollow bones, some stained with pigment, have been found nearby.
No trust in Decisions Made: Even if you finally do make a choice, it is very possible that because of your low self-confidence, you have no trust that your decision was the best for the circumstance.
For every change in your workspace that hasn't been delivered, it is quite possible that someone else could have made a change to the same file in another repository workspace or stream.
During this refinement, it is possible (although undesirable) for changes to be made that break the expected semantic connections between the models.
As a result, the infrastructure that made the Mumbai attacks possible is likely to remain intact for the foreseeable future.
RAND is directly responsible for packet switching, the technology that made the Internet possible.
Your dreams are made for you. Trying is the only way to know if they are possible to achieve.
Mr Schultz is about to discover whether they are possible for a company that has made such a fuss about giving power to its customers.
Now it is possible for Web services providers to address this revenue method via the service interface they provide, but that is a business consideration that must be made at design time.
Even if brain size accounts for just 10 to 20 percent of an IQ test score, it is possible to conjecture what kind of average scores would be made by a group of people with 30 percent larger brains.
Keep in mind that it is entirely possible for Ajax requests made from the same window to communicate with two or more distinct conversations on the server.
It is also important that, wherever possible, provision be made for adequate drainage of exposed concrete surfaces.
But when all is said and done, it is the loyal worldwide fan base that made it possible for me to have the experience of playing the role of Jack Bauer, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Thanks to examples like Singapore's, it is possible to imagine ways in which continuous education can be made more accessible and affordable for the mass of citizens.
Western sanctions actually made it possible for China to indigenise arms. It is not entirely a bad thing.
Vision, for example, is made possible in part by rhodopsin, a pigment molecule that is extremely sensitive to light.
Now that the children have been able to visit it has made it possible for our children to understand what a wonderful school Bashu is and what a wonderful place China is to visit.
Their business is to propound ideas in such a way that their claimed transfer value is made explicit for the consideration and possible operationalization by the teacher.
I believe I have made as detailed and exhaustive a study of Lincoln's personality and home life as it is possible for any being to make.
When there are many levels of nested dependencies, it is possible for these file trees to get fairly long. The following optimizations are thus made to the process.
TV has made it possible for us to see what is happening in other places.
In this paper, a possible Correction of non-Riemannian geometric relativity is made for Newton's Law of Gravitation.
The application of SLC, as it is asserted, made possible to increase the speed of work for disk.
A systematic analysis is made of the causes for boiler water to become acidic and the possible damage to the thermal system, and appropriate measures are offered for elimination.
I believed I have made as detailed and exhaustive a study of Lincoln's personality and home life as it is possible for any human being to make.
I believed I have made as detailed and exhaustive a study of Lincoln's personality and home life as it is possible for any human being to make.