The invention relates to a method of searching for data on high density compact discs with different magnetic track screw pitches and sector lengths.
In order to track the movements of the cells, his team attached tiny magnetic particles to them before they transplanted them, and also injected them with a dye.
He told us that magnetic north is moving at a speed of 50 kilometers - about 30 miles - every year. He said that scientists nowadays use satellites to track the changes.
Rather than relying solely on an accelerometer, this controller USES a magnetic field to track both your hands' positions in 3d space.
Another method is scraping the magnetic particles from a track in the disk, and then decide whether the scrapings are from right or wrong place to enable protection.
The scientists used a functional magnetic imaging scanner to track signs of neural activity among 19 affected children and 23 other children who were asked to remember a simple sequence of letters.
Magnetic levitation track longer, use efficiency is lower.
Maglev is short for magnetic levitation 1 , which means that these trains float over a guide way using the basic principles of magnets to replace the old steel wheel and track trains.
This machine investigates by the electronic track arranges the installment, the expansive force sensor and the magnetic powder leaves the minute, electric appliance control cubicle.
Introduced is the development of Yamanashi experimental track of magnetic levitated railway in Japan, as well as some tests having been carried out on it.
The distribution of magnetic flux of track eddy current braking device is calculated by using vector potential method.
The distribution of magnetic flux of track eddy current braking device is calculated by using vector potential method.