Our eyes have the capacity to magnify to perceive close up or pan back to see the distance at will, much like your cameras in human form.
In order to remove this phenomenon, we consider the cycle spinning method based on threshold wavelet and then use the coefficient magnify to remove the signal noise.
One of the easiest ways to segment a market is to magnify gender differences or invent them where they did not previously exist.
The findings suggest that the body and brain have instinctive ways of healing that we could come to understand one day and then magnify.
The key was to use a pulley system that would magnify the applied force.
That spells danger for investors in leveraged ETFs, which use debt to magnify the returns of the index they follow.
The huge, bright, touch-sensitive screen made it addictive fun to rotate, page through or magnify your photos, videos and Web pages.
And other companies are using various incarnations of mirrors or lenses on pedestals, dishes, troughs or carousels to magnify solar energy on tiny, highly efficient photovoltaic cells.
These are commonly found in lighthouses to magnify light in a way that would normally require a much larger, thicker lens.
At the speed of Goda's camera, there isn't enough light to magnify.
You can magnify the scene up to 15 times for precise manual focusing.
I want to magnify my mother's picture.
“We communicate with our people about everything from how they can help us magnify our green message, to what scent we should choose for our next eco-friendly laundry detergent,” said Hollender.
We must never ignore any aspect of His character, nor magnify one to the exclusion of another.
These concerns magnify as new modes of production get introduced, such as agile development methods combined with globally distributed teams — these realities quickly lead to thorny scenarios.
The Christmas holidays tend to magnify the loneliness we feel when we're separated from the ones we love.
But that means there is plenty of scope for the leading firms to grow, and magnify their profits, by mopping up smaller competitors.
The light had a sort of special haze to it that seemed to intensify and magnify distances, but what really stood out was the all-encompassing silence.
Derivatives' tendency to magnify problems has led to calls for regulators to ban some types.Their economic usefulness, it is argued, is far outweighed by their capacity to create systemic risk.
So it is a wonderful way to magnify the effect and to measure it.
Magnify only the aspects of your background that are relevant to your target objective.
Like Japanese kabuki theatre, in which characters use exaggerated gestures to energise the audience, the country's statistics unrealistically magnify both good news and bad.
The important thing is that you learn to magnify what you want, and shrink what you don’t want.
We need to enlarge our common space, not magnify our differences and become a house divided.
Lines 22 through 53 modify the UIDefaults of the look and feel to magnify the standard ICONS by a factor defined in the external resource file.
That electron microscope can magnify objects to one million times as big as their original size. That electron microscope can magnify objects to one million times their original size.
That electron microscope can magnify objects to one million times as big as their original size. That electron microscope can magnify objects to one million times their original size.