The college library has weighty responsibility to improve the information quality of college students as a main enforcement body for information quality education.
This paper will survey to Wuliangye enterprises as main body, to the consumer to the enterprise by the performance of the social responsibility of the cognitive set questionnaire research.
The responsibility education is the process to influence the main body in an organized, planned way so as to make them fulfill some kind of contract or moral responsibility.
The legal responsibilities of tax cover the legal responsibility of tax authority as the main administrative body, the legal responsibility of tax staff and the legal responsibility of comparative.
The author also analyzes the responsibility of the faulted establishment of the corporation, analyzes the process of the faulted establishment, make sure the main responsibility body for all aspects.
The scholars of every country have a great dispute on which responsibility the main body of international law should afford.
The main responsibility of the core muscles is to provide enough power to the body in order to enable it to cope up with the dynamic challenges of every physical activity that a person encounters.
Firstly, the paper introduces the main body of corporate social responsibility, including corporate, general meeting of shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors and managers.
Owner plays a leading role for the fulfillment of project target and is the responsibility main body as the owner of future project and purchaser of construction market.
In this thesis, based on incomplete contract theory and social responsibility theory, it builds a framework of governance mode, within which Banks dominate as the main body of key stakeholders.
On the basis theory of international law and combining the practice, we expatiate what responsibility the main body of international law should afford when it disobey the rule of international law.
On the basis theory of international law and combining the practice, we expatiate what responsibility the main body of international law should afford when it disobey the rule of international law.