Some related measures were put forward to improve the manufacture quality of flue gas damper by analysis of the main problems existed in the process of its manufacture.
The main technological indexes of CEMS flue gas continuous monitoring system are introduced.
Heat efficiency of steam injection boiler is generally low in oilfields. Flue heat loss is the main factor affecting boiler heat efficiency and depends on flue gas temperature and volume.
Reburning process for flue gas denitrification and its main affecting factors are summarized.
Electrical network flashing will threaten the safe operation of flue gas expander-main blower set in FCC unit.
Temperature deviation of flue gas and steam in large capacity utility boilers is one of the main factors affecting the operating reliability of power unit.
The principle, system technological process and main equipment used in desulfurization project of flue gas circulating fluidized bed for 100 MW unit in Xiaolong Tan Power Plant are presented.
As the main source of air pollution, flue gas emissions have become the focus of the monitoring and control.
In this paper, 5 kinds of domestic main flue gas desulfurization technology have been introduced briefly. The pluses, minuses and desulphurization rate. have been compared with analysing.
As for electric desulphurization, our products are mainly used for anticorrosive equipment like flue gas desulphurization pipe, absorbing tower and main sprinkler pipe.
As for electric desulphurization, our products are mainly used for anticorrosive equipment like flue gas desulphurization pipe, absorbing tower and main sprinkler pipe.