To ensure all production tooling is maintain in good condition.
The Lessee agrees to maintain the leased building in good condition and not allow it to further deteriorate.
A frequent visitor to the physical recovery center, Webeklint said that, using the equipment in the village helps him maintain a good condition before competing.
To maintain effective communication with Engineering for repairing and maintaining of guest - rooms and ensure rooms are in good condition at all times.
It is the employers responsibility to provide you with tools and equipment in good condition. It is your responsibility to properly inspect, use, and maintain the tools.
Maintain the working area and ensures the establishments in good condition.
Maintain all equipment in good working condition.
To maintain lab in clean and safe condition by routinely cleaning and good housekeeping. Must follow up HSE related requirement when performing testing to avoid accident happened.
Participants have to maintain the tanks and equipment in good condition during benching in and benching out. A penalty will be imposed for damages.
Maintain the vehicle in good condition on a daily, monthly and yearly basis.
Most people strive for various objective conditions in their whole life in order to maintain their bodies in good condition.
The Lessee agrees to maintain the leased building in good condition and shall not allow it to further deteriorate.
Seller shall maintain such materials in good order and condition subject to fair wear and tear and shall dispose of or return such materials as Buyer directs.
Seller shall maintain Special Tooling in good condition and repair or replace it at Seller's cost if lost, damaged, destroyed, or otherwise rendered unfit for use.
Manage the plant waste or re-used substances properly to ensure correctly quantity and good quality during storage, loading activity and maintain waste storage area in good condition.
Continuously improve equipment reliability, take preventive action to maintain equipment in good condition.
The Lessee a GREes to maintain the leased building in good condition and not allow it to further deteriorate.
Contractor will maintain and enhance the awareness of safe driving among its employees and for providing vehicles in good operating condition.
Maintain all manufacturing equipment in good condition in order to support production operations with no or minimum downtime at best cost.
Seller shall maintain all such goods in good order and condition subject, in the case of tooling, patterns and the like, to fair wear and tear.
The lease stated that tenants should maintain the property in good condition.
In addition, London is the financial center of Europe and the world, the UK universities use of such a condition, to maintain good contact with the business community.
In addition, London is the financial center of Europe and the world, the UK universities use of such a condition, to maintain good contact with the business community.