The huge stocks of baby clipart pictures enable one to make a distinct choice.
It was not until approximately 1935 that any special effort was put forth to make a distinct breed of them.
As you play through the campaign, there will be a few cases where you must make a distinct choice that could change the outcome of a certain side plot or the fate of a specific character.
The beetle larvae have a distinct chemical make-up, which can be traced through the feathers and blood of birds that eat them.
Long-legged towers, an eye-shaped window, and a trunk balcony make it a distinct landmark in the Bangkok skyline.
He suggests that, although languages are obviously key features of what make cultures distinct, it is a mistake to overstate how much they encode thought patterns unique to its speakers.
The good news is, they tend to make a very distinct grunting noise when they've been captured—so just be sure to listen carefully to your next double cheeseburger.
Lotus Domino has some distinct advantages as a platform for blogs, and these Domino applications can make it easy to get a blog up and running.
It is also important to make the personality of a character distinct, but at the same time be familiar to the audience.
The billion Indians north of the Great Lakes would make Canada a very distinct, very powerful global player.
We're starting with a new package, ui2, to make it easier to keep older and newer versions of the examples distinct in the downloadable code.
God doesn't make generic people; he makes something very distinct - a man or a woman.
Modeling applications usually display the geometric vertex count, ie, the number of distinct corner points that make up a model.
There are three major constituencies in a world where anyone can make the news. Once largely distinct, they're now blurring into each other.
Proper selection and maintenance of projector screen can ensure the multi media projector a good manifestation condition and make images bright and distinct.
To make blaze particle more distinct, undertake to particle apply colours to a drawing is handled, simplify call-board technology.
Different LC filter parameter matching exerts a distinct influence to the harmonic voltage. Improper parameter selection may make filter unsatisfy the analysis request.
When it is measured with cone-grained isotope carrier, it can improve the accuracy and make a more distinct division of injectivity horizon.
Our goal, then, was to find a way to make them both work well in the skirmish game but still feel as if they were distinct creatures, even if they end up within single-digit points of each other.
Genetic studies suggest these pack-hunting, seal-eating killer whales make up a unique species, distinct from other varieties that feast primarily on fish or minke whales.
Even if it looks like a lot of classes are being changed to make them "more hybrid", but developers still want to keep the classes as distinct as possible.
By organizing your system into layers that describe distinct roles and functions, a layer diagram can help make it easier for you to understand, reuse, and maintain your code.
Modeling applications usually display the geometric vertex count, ie, the number of distinct corner points that make up a model.
Fresh apples and pineapple and a distinct back note of butter, bearing enough resemblance to a California Chardonnay to make me wonder if it's designed for U.
The filmmakers were careful to make sure that each location had a distinct personality, and the exacting application of color was crucial in defining the unique worlds.
The filmmakers were careful to make sure that each location had a distinct personality, and the exacting application of color was crucial in defining the unique worlds.