We get a DLL and make a reference to it.
Make a reference to a well-known movie or book.
These are my personal views, you make a reference to it.
They will usually make a reference to your account following 6 months.
A few methods that I popularize myself now make a reference to everybody!
Unable to make a reference to a transient module from a nontransient module.
Ward Cunningham: They just make a reference to a page named WikiMaintenanceCategory.
The process object is not shown in Figure 1, but it must exist and make a reference to the CICS transaction QCTL in this case.
Students should be able to make a selection from a range of reference materials and focus their attention on one of them.
The client of a CORBA object acquires its object reference and USES it as a handle to make method calls, as if the object were located in the client's address space.
The remaining alternative is to use a service locator, make it a singleton, but remove the reference cache.
You must remember that to make use of these classes you cannot maintain a strong reference to the object.
She mentioned that "in 200 years, man will make contact with brothers in mind from other worlds," a reference to aliens contact.
News articles, blog posts and e-mails often lack a systematic reference list that could be used to make a citation index. Yet they, too, are part of what makes an idea influential.
He waits a half-beat to make sure the reference to Jobs’ famous line from Apple presentations hasn’t been missed, then gives his notorious barking laugh.
This is only one of many non-financial reference points used to make a tough read more accessible.
You'll use a numeric ID for your artists just to make it easy to reference them.
The Domain and Completeness screen allows you to make specific decisions around the completeness and validity of the values, whether by specific value, by range, or via a reference table.
To make a dynamic reference, we simply add a JSP declaration to any page that needs to use the library
We already do something similar to this in edit mode, so look there for a reference and make the appropriate change in index.jsp in for the view mode.
我们已在编辑方式中进行了与此类似的修改,所以在那里寻找引用并对视图方式的index . js p作适当的修改。
To make a static reference, we must first add the following entry to the web.xml file.
为了进行静态引用,首先必须将下面的项加入到web . xml文件中。
The function of an SCA component is offered to other components as a service; an SCA component can make use of services through a reference.
SCA组件的功能被作为服务提供给其他组件;一个 SCA 组件可以通过一个引用(reference)来利用服务。
Overall, the Cover Pages offer so much volume that it doesn't necessarily make the best quick reference, but it is a good place to go to find the details on some schema you've heard about.
总之,The CoverPages提供了如此多的内容,以致于它不必进行最佳快速引用,但它是一个用于查找关于您所听说模式的细节信息的好地方。
Many of the etymologies I saw make reference to someone called Pyrrho of Elis who lived about 2, 300 years ago and is seen as originating a skeptical philosophy.
我所查询的词源学资料中,不少都提到了生活在2300年前的艾利斯的皮洛(Pyrrhoof Elis),说他是怀疑论哲学的鼻祖。
If you wish to preserve this behavior in a specialized reference, you need to update the add-content-to-section mode to make sure it is aware of your new information type.
如果希望在特殊的参考中保留这种行为,需要修改add - content - to - section模式,以确保它能识别新的信息类型。
To use the ADO.NET driver in your Visual Studio project, make sure you add a reference to the IBM.Data.Informix.dll found in the /bin directory of your client SDK installation.
要在VisualStudio项目中使用 ADO.NET驱动程序,则必须确保已将一个引用添加到客户端SDK 安装的 /bin目录中找到的 IBM.Data.Informix.dll 中。
PHP V5.3 has added the keyword static to allow you to make a reference against the current class.
It is always a good idea in the application.cfm file to set a variable for the data Source Name, because you will need to reference it every time you make a query to your database.
在application. cf m文件中为DataSourceName设置一个变量通常是个好注意,因为每次查询数据库时都需要引用它。
It is always a good idea in the application.cfm file to set a variable for the data Source Name, because you will need to reference it every time you make a query to your database.
在application. cf m文件中为DataSourceName设置一个变量通常是个好注意,因为每次查询数据库时都需要引用它。