Make an effort of putting a smile on someone's face and you'll never be forgotten.
If someone seriously wants to be a part of your life, they will seriously make an effort of it.
If the ear of dog dog sticks out toward anteversion suddenly, and the whole body make an effort of the words are the meaning of the attack and guards.
"Women working outside of the home should make an effort to have a conscious conversation with their partners about more equitable sharing of household and family responsibilities," Dr. Joyce said.
Seven years later, basketball became his strong wish, which led him to make an effort to master the game, regardless of his physical condition.
Given these findings, employers should "make an effort to reduce the effects of bias toward attractive people in the workplace," say University of Florida researchers.
"Everybody in the business realizes that you have to make an effort to bring up the quality and value, but most of all the design," Mr. Panichgul said.
The RMC tool will not solve all these problems. But it will make the job of starting such an effort easier by means of plug-in re-use and method content organization.
If you don't immediately have someone to connect with - such as a spouse, kids, or other close family or friends - make an effort to get out of your house and to meet up with others.
In retrospect, I'm sorry I didn't make an effort to mark my pregnancy with a piece of commemorative art.
In retrospect I'm sorry I didn't make an effort to mark my pregnancy with a piece of commemorative art.
Make an effort to recognize the contributions of members of your team every single day. And when work is particularly stressful, spend more time with family and friends rather than less.
It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to make such an AD and buy air time, so many people immediately suspected that wealthy Republicans were behind the effort.
You may spend time with colleagues during the week, but try to think of the people you enjoy seeing on the weekends, and make an effort to connect with them more.
Typically, a lot of effort has already gone into developing an object model for the application, so it seems logical to make use of that effort and derive the XML model from the object model.
If you already make an effort to place, say, a schema at the end of the namespace, then you just need to add one level of indirection in the form of the resource gloss.
Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, science fiction writers do make an earnest effort to predict the future.
According to the survey, two thirds of respondents believed Britain was a 'rude' nation and 84 percent think others should make more of an effort to show appreciation.
Choosing and wrapping presents doesn't come naturally to your boyfriend but he may be prepared to make more of an effort, if he understands why receiving them is so important to you.
When you think of people getting along harmoniously - whether in a family, or among friends, or in an office - people make an effort to enter into the interests of each other's lives.
As part of the same effort, we are also revising our computer – use policy at Ohio State to make it more of an educational tool than a mere list of regulations.
I called for federal aid to make our schools safer and for an all-out effort to turn back the tide of AIDS in America.
If America needs to work harder to encourage entrepreneurs, the rest of the world has to make even more of an effort.
It's an effort, I think, to make the world smaller and easier to manage, to make the awareness of what we're missing less painful.
By defining the color in our styling, however, we could at least make an effort to define a better shade of gray.
How to practice it: Next time you start a conversation, make an effort to ask the person you're chatting with at least three questions before making another observation of your own.
How to practice it: Next time you start a conversation, make an effort to ask the person you're chatting with at least three questions before making another observation of your own.