Objective To make an analysis of quinolone adverse drug reaction (ADR).
Based on the structural characteristics of bearing flange, the optimization model is established according to the objective function, design variables and constraints, and make a static analysis.
Make use of principal factor analysis to set up the objective evaluation system of wool-like fabrics, which can express the characters totally and objectively.
Objective To provide an automatic system for measuring imaging quality of laser camera, and to make an automatic measurement and analysis system.
Objective: To clone and make characteristic analysis of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in lactic acid bacteria.
It is necessary to make an objective analysis of the crime's defects. The author also suggests solutions to the problem from the point of legality perfection and jurisdiction applicability.
Objective To make a clinical analysis on the patients with triceps paralysis caused by cervical radiculopathy.
Objective To report 5-defections, in objectivity, reality, accuracy, punctuality and integrality, and to make cause analysis and active intervention, avoid medical risk.
Objective: To make an attempt at a new teaching method and style in theory course of pharmaceutical analysis.
On the base of hazard analysis and safety objective and demand, we can do risk assessment to determine unsafe part, so that we can make good safety measure.
In the process of conclusion, according to the above mentioned analysis, the article make an objective and overall evaluation, and put forward some proposal on the project in the practice.
This text just according to this, sample out the alike and objective important item that these more than tens commit crime, make the comprehensive analysis.
This text just according to this, sample out the alike and objective important item that these more than tens commit crime, make the comprehensive analysis.