The friendly man-machine interface of the configuration software makes the operation of the control system more swiftly and conveniently.
The system has a nicer man-machine conversation interface, facilitating the manipulator's control.
In civil airport refueling automation system, supervisory control and management program with very friendly multimedia man -machine interface can be developed on SCADA system development platform.
The practice shows that the PMAC-based CNC system has realized customerization of man-machine interface and parametrization of realtime control elements.
The reliability, safety and maintainability can be demonstrated and man-machine interface is greatly improved due to the use of digital technology in the realization of the power control system.
The system is based on modular design. It completes remote control and remote measure of embedded network terminal based on man-machine interface.
The control system for non-ODS aqueous cleaning is presented. Due to use PLC and man-machine interface in this system, applied to diversiform cleaning technology.
The paper describes briefly the composition and function of the silicon rectifier control system as well as the program for achieving control functions and design of man-machine interface.
Using TMS320F2812 as the core of the control system, drive circuit, sampling circuit, protection circuits, man-machine interface circuit hardware components and control system software were designed.
The control system is of open structure, possesses easily operated man-machine interface and can be remotely controlled. Therefore, the operating staffs are secured.
This paper related the innovation of the calendaring production line provided from Taiwan, consisted of the main control system of PLC and remote I/O, set up man and machine conversation interface.
The running results indicates that the system has reasonable control scheme, high operating reliability, advanced control algorithm, friendly man-machine interface and operating convenience.
Electricity control system adopts PMAC from U. S. a and man-machine interface. It realizes high stable performance, real-time detection of whole machine, prompt adjustment and operation.
This man-machine interface can be used in wireless meter reading system, numeric control system, etc.
This man-machine interface can be used in wireless meter reading system, numeric control system, etc.