Abstract: : Project archive is of great value for construction enterprises, and it's the basis of management and technical innovation for construction enterprises.
In this paper, an aiding system for the risk management of the technical innovation of the enterprise is presented, and a detailed description of its function and structure is included.
Technology reconstruction, technology-importation, technology innovation are the different forms to realize technical progress which all have the characters of technique and management.
In the era of education economy, technical innovation has been regarded as important as national strategy management, and essential become for the nation and enterprises to get competitive.
The paper introduces the transformation of Siemens hoister management system, and its technical innovation is pointed out.
This is a paradox between the technical innovation and the management system, the key to solve the paradox is to construct the balance relationship between technical innovation and management system.
Pay attention to scientific management, technological innovation, has established a perfect management system and technical support system.
Enterprise strategic and so on human resources management, financial control, technical innovation implementation.
Enterprise strategic and so on human resources management, financial control, technical innovation implementation.