To make one executable look like many executables, BusyBox exploits a seldom-used feature of argument passing to the main C function. Recall that the C main function is defined as follows
为了让一个可执行程序看起来就像是很多可执行程序一样,BusyBox 为传递给C的 main函数的参数开发了一个很少使用的特性。
There are many other ways of generating graphs, but this graph-to-file function xs2jpg is a useful one.
There are many ways to write bad code. One is to use very abstract function and variable names such as routineX48, PerformDataFunction, DoIt, HandleStuff, and do_args_method.
This is similar to the Rich Infrastructure, Pilot Function approach, but consists of many basic infrastructures rather than a single rich one.
The ratio of use cases to test cases will be one-to-many for the Function Verification test.
The resulting dispatch-value is then used to choose one of many possible function implementations.
随后,利用所得到的 dispatch-value 在多种可能的函数实现中选择一种。
Accepted_args is an optional integer argument defining how many arguments your function can accept (default 1), useful because some hooks can pass more than one argument to your function.
The PHP syslog() function is one that I had overlooked for many years until I was contracted to do this project.
Function nanocomposites have many sorts, one of which is referred to magnetic granular solids and is studied widely recently.
Tip: You can assign one array to the function, or as many as you like.
Tip: you can assign one parameter to the function, or as many as you like.
Both balancedness and correlation immunity is one of the most important cryptographic characteristics of a Boolean function to which have gotten many researches respectively.
The function of One IMP takes the place of many to reduce the system cost many times.
One has the netizen of 35 years of net age, won't not know anthozoan is brought to us so many practical and convenient function.
To overcome the weakness of too many keys, we present an improvement of their signature scheme by getting rid of the one-way Hash function.
To overcome the weakness of too many keys, we present an improvement of their signature scheme by getting rid of the one-way Hash function.