The finance industry will not soon reverse its extra margin call and even if it did, investors are not about to treat Italian debt as “risk free”.
This is an Armageddon trade the kind of trade that only makes sense if you believe the world will blow up or J&J will blow itself up, or if you happen to have a late-day margin call.
The finance industry will not soon reverse its extra margin call and even if it did, investors are not about to treat Italian debt as "risk free".
It described what's happening as a "systemic margin call," in which the whole financial system is facing demands to come up with cash it doesn't have.
它将现状描述为“对整个系统的追加保证金要求(systemicmargin call)”,也就是说金融系统面临着对现金的需求,但是它却没有这些现金。
In the innocently, see "Water Margin" When Zhe Shi said: "No wonder octopus call you silly fishes.
First, set a breakpoint at the call to the greet in the main method by double-clicking (not single-clicking like Netbeans) in the left margin.
First, set a breakpoint at the call to the greet in the main method by double-clicking (not single-clicking like JBuilder) in the left margin.
But he lost it all when, after two weeks of spending more time with Jack Daniels than Dow Jones, the phone rang and the voice at the other end said "Margin call!"
他连续两个星期与杰克·丹尼酒而不是道琼斯指数厮混在一起之后,电话那头的声音喊道“追加保证金(Margin call)”,接着他失去了一切。
First, set a breakpoint in main System.out.println by double-clicking in the gray margin on the left side of the editor view, next to the call to System.out.println .
首先双击编辑器视图左端的灰色边沿,从而在调用System . out .println之后的main System . out . println中设置一个断点。
I needed that princely sum to meet a margin call in my depleted trading account.
Are watching the "Water Margin", when a sudden call the same group of students to interview graduating senior, because it is doing a dissertation on the topics of, I often have to go out an interview.
It is your responsibility to monitor your open positions and make Margin payments to us immediately upon Margin becoming due, whether or not a Margin call is made of you.
Margin Call Amount of additional cash or securities that must be deposited in an account if equity falls below minimum margin maintenance level.
If the stock market plunges and you own shares on margin, you could receive a margin call from your broker, asking that you add more cash or securities to your account.
In addition, CMS is making a change to its margin call policy as part of our effort to provide you with safe and reliable service.
Violating margin requirements, however, triggers a margin call and open positions are automatically covered until requirements are met again.
Margin Call Amount of additional cash or securities that must be deposited in an account if equity falls below minimum margin maintenance level.
They used to call margin money honest money.
It has already faced at least one margin call from creditors.
A breakpoint symbol appears in the left margin next to the function call name.
Most traders, instinctively trade on a smaller used leverage in order to give themselves more leeway or breathing room from initiating a margin call should the position (s) go against them.
Most traders, instinctively trade on a smaller used leverage in order to give themselves more leeway or breathing room from initiating a margin call should the position (s) go against them.