Marital status didn't seem to matter. Singles and married folks reported to having an office spouse at the same rate.
The results held true across all marital status groups, married, divorced or never married.
Marital status was found to be a key factor in the ageing process, with women who have divorced looking older than their married or single counterparts.
Which of the following is your marital status, single, married, divorced or widowed?
Marital status: married, single, widowed, divorced, separated.
This proof XXX for this unit worker, marital status: married, has been in this unit work 3 years, highest education for university; At present in my company as a: g…
The "marital status" category is also dropping from use. If you are female, "just married and already ordering nursery curtains" positions you poorly anyway.
The "marital status" category is also dropping from use. If you are female, "just married and already ordering nursery curtains" positions you poorly anyway.