Rodriguez is the community and marketing manager for a company called Sentab.
"We have never come across anything like the situation," Chris McGuire, sports marketing manager for Adidas soccer, said in a statement.
She began her business career at General Electric and joined DuPont in 1988 as a marketing manager in the company's medical imaging business.
You can buy a lot like stocks, " says marketing manager, Akei Mak."
She joined the company six years ago and is now its marketing manager.
Anyway, I have our new marketing manager, Helen Parker, helping us get set up.
Duh... 'cause she's a senior marketing manager and she needed to go on the trip?
"It's not easy to pick up and move," says Stylution's marketing manager, Frank Masiello.
She moved to DuPont in 1988 as a marketing manager and has been with the company for over 20 years.
That's what sporting-goods sales executive Daniel Obergfell did while seeking a marketing manager last winter.
"It is something that we're continuing to work on," says Judith Denby, the UK's marketing manager of Krispy Kreme.
"It was chaos here" two weeks ago, said Jackie Fellner, a marketing manager from Westchester County, north of the city.
I've been guilty of abusing this technology myself when I first started using Powerpoint as a product marketing manager.
A sales agent then sells the securities or commodities to an investor for the negotiated price.6. Marketing manager.
If you were a marketing manager, return to the job with a new Angle of attack that can help make the company more competitive.
"We thought of various things such as theft or the hijacking of the truck," said events and marketing manager Linda Ferns.
When Doug Edwards interviewed for a job as marketing manager later that year, he understood that the key word was "viral."
An acquaintance of mine is the vice President of human resources at a local company, and they are looking for a marketing manager.
The theme park's marketing manager Ye Xiumei says Window of the World will host the Angry Birds exhibit until the end of September.
Work with your marketing manager to analyze the keywords that potential customers will use to search for your products and services.
Jackson Wu is the Marketing Manager for Notson Limited in Beijing, a company that produces fashion sunglasses for men and women.
She began her business career at General Electric and joined DuPont in 1988 as marketing manager in the company's medical imaging business.
And while it may not solve all of the problems facing the industry today, people like Jon Pollock, the marketing manager of Toyota g.b..
"It's pretty lonely here," says a woman named Li Li, the marketing manager of an elegant restaurant in Kangbashi's mostly vacant Lido Hotel.
(Full disclosure: I am the product's marketing manager: -) Knols are articles written by people who are knowledgeable about specific subjects.
Fast-forward one year and that connection led Basich to a dream job as content marketing manager for a social media monitoring technology firm.
Before the bubble fully burst, Peck found another job as the marketing manager at a small software-development company called SDSol Technologies.
InfoQ spoke with Paremus Marketing Manager Andrew Rowney to learn more about this release and about Infiniflow's new application server model.
InfoQ spoke with Paremus Marketing Manager Andrew Rowney to learn more about this release and about Infiniflow's new application server model.