This online course is a core requirement of Georgia Tech's online Master of Science in Computer Science program.
According to this new model, the Master of Science (MSc) would become the first stamp in the lifelong learning journey.
He took a master of science degree.
Master of Science in Dentistry (Oral Med…
From the master of science in Thailand to learn Chinese Xie Manda Tai Chi, Qigong.
The Master of Science in Industrial Management program places the large corporations in…
Wouter Baars has a Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and Management Science.
Wouter Baars拥有工业工程和管理科学硕士学位。
Bachelor or Master of Science course you have been admitted to or eligible to the admission test.
The Master of Science in Statistics degree program is divided into two semesters, each lasting 14 weeks.
This thesis is finished under the guidance of my tutor, professor Lin Zhengyan, during my master of science.
Also: I do not know how familiar with the business management and Master of Science magazine's Web site, admire.
The Master of Arts or Master of Science degree usually takes one calendar year to two academic years beyond the bachelor's degree .
The Master of Science degree in Advanced Architectural Design is a three-term program consisting of Summer, Fall, and Spring terms.
When they complete all the studies with good grades and their theses approved they can get a degree of master of arts or master of science.
When they complete all the studies with good grades and their theses approved, they can get a degree of Master of arts or Master of Science.
Kai holds a Doctorate degree in technology and a Master of Science degree in Engineering from the Tampere University of technology in Finland.
Kai Oistamo毕业于芬兰Tampere技术学院,拥有科技博士学位及工程科学硕士学位。2005进入Nokia集团董事局。
The master of science degree in integrated marketing communications requires completion of 45 semester units in the foundation and advanced programs.
Mr. Jia Qian, Master of Science in Real Estate Development in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has worked in China Vanke Co. , Ltd since 2000.
D. in Marketing and Statistics, a Master of Science in Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Cornell University.
Applicants with an undergraduate degree in interior design or architecture complete the required 48 credits in two years of study for the Master of Science.
It is both a teaching and a research university, and awards students M. d., Master of Science, Master of Public Health and doctoral degrees in 36 program areas.
She holds a Ph.D. in Marketing and Statistics, a Master of Science in Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Cornell University.
He was a Research Fellow at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy 1987-88 and earned a Master of Science from Boston University's College of Communication in 1987.
年获波士顿大学大众传播学硕士学位,1987- 88在弗莱彻法律与外交学院做访问学者。
To pursue further studies I wish to enter the Graduate School of Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study for the degree of Master of Science.
Zhang holds a master of science in management information systems and a graduate minor in business administration from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in Omaha, Neb.
Bubble tea, to understand the characteristics of various types of tea, master of science in brewing technology, the inherent quality of tea leaves can be fully demonstrated.
He received a master of science in agricultural economics from the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho, and a bachelor's degree in food science from China Agricultural University in Beijing, China.
He received a master of science in agricultural economics from the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho, and a bachelor's degree in food science from China Agricultural University in Beijing, China.