St segment depression is most significant at the maximal exercise.
To compare the effects of pulmonary rehabilitation versus usual care on health-related quality of life and functional and maximal exercise capacity in persons with COPD.
Background - : An abnormal ECG during maximal exercise testing has been shown to be a powerful predictor of future coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality in asymptomatic men.
Conclusion we conclude that oxygen consumption after exhaustive maximal exercise is related to glucose resyntbesis through alanine metabolism, as compared with that from lactate metabolism.
The subjects viewed anger-inducing scenes before and after 30 minutes of leg-cycling exercise at 65 percent of their maximal oxygen uptake.
The serratus anterior, an important scapular stabilizer, remained moderately active in each exercise with no significant difference between exercises (42.5 to 50% of maximal).
This exercise trains the rock climber to climb with good climbing technique even when pumped, while at the same time, building up climbing endurance by pushing a climber to their maximal limit.
After 5 weeks, the rats were weighed and blood was drawn, and then the rats were anesthetized, the muscular maximal isometric contraction and working time were detected to assess the exercise ability.
These studies all reported large increases in exercise capacity as evaluated by six-minute walk distance, maximal oxygen consumption and peak power.
Objective to investigate the effect of maximal expiratory flow on the ventilatory response to exercise.
Maximal heart rate (MHR), double product of maximal heart rate and systolic blood pressure, and maximal endurance index (MEI) were measured during submaximal supine bicycle exercise.
The tests were conducted after a period of maximal intensity exercise, moderate exercise and a resting control session.
The results of blood pressure, heart rate and ECG changes during maximal bicycle exercise test in 223 healthy school children are reported.
This paper presents maximal endurance time, maximal oxygen consumption, heart rate and blood lactate in 29 pairs of mild anemia and non-anemia school children in treadmill exercise test.
The maximal oxygen uptake was decreasing when went on exercise.
The maximal oxygen uptake was decreasing when went on exercise.