This paper introduces many methods for under basic MCS-51 single chip microcomputer hardware system, achieve intellect control of metal cable fault detect.
文介绍了在基本的mcs—5 1单片机系统配置下,充分发挥软件功能,实现金属电缆故障测量中的智能控制的具体方法。
How to control the temperature of the multi-positions heater plates with MCS-51 single-chip microcomputer in spinning production line was introduced.
主要介绍了在纺丝生产线中,采用M CS - 51单片机对多个部位加热板进行温度控制。
A data acquisition system with the MCS-51 single-chip microcomputer control and a software for dynamic behavior detection of arc welding power source is described in this paper.
本文介绍了一种由MCS - 51系列单片机构成的数据采集系统以及用于电焊机动特性的测试软件。
This paper introduces a simple speed-measuring apparatus equipped with single-chip microcomputer, MCS-51.
The paper deals with the application of single-chip microcomputer MCS-51 series in a sodium hydroxide process analysis system for chloric based industry.
本文研究和探讨了MCS - 51单片微型计算机在碱液浓度及含盐量自动测量系统中的应用。给出了单片机硬件结构框图。
A new high accuracy intelligent instrument for measuring the Angle of attack between wheel and rail by means of infrared ray and MCS-51 serial single-chip microcomputer is presented.
本文提出一种利用红外线光源及MCS - 51系列单片微机的新型高精度智能轮轨冲角测试仪。
With MCS-51 single-chip microcomputer as control unit and grating scales measuring displacement, a new type of quasi-close loop control system is built on universal lathe.
文章选用MCS -5 1单片机作为控制核心,直线光栅测量位移,在普通车床上建立了一种新型的准闭环控制系统。
Using MCS-51 (96) single chip microcomputer as trigger circuit can save the synchronous transformer and complicated conn...
应用MCS - 51(96)单片机作触发电路,可省去同步变压器和复杂的接法变换等,操作简单、准确可靠。
The 2-stage distributed data acquisition system composed of MCS-51 single chip computer and 3C86 microcomputer is introduced.
By studying the serial port of the MCS-51, this article briefly expatiated the single chip microcomputer communication mode and the theory of the serial interface.
通过对MCS - 5 1系列单片机串行口的研究,简要阐述了单片机通信方式及串行接口的原理。
By studying the serial port of the MCS-51, this article briefly expatiated the single chip microcomputer communication mode and the theory of the serial interface.
通过对MCS - 5 1系列单片机串行口的研究,简要阐述了单片机通信方式及串行接口的原理。