By constantly improving and enhancing the company has initially formed a black metal casting professional small and medium scale production.
Sand core for the blade was made by hand drawing the pattern from core box. The way of core making is feasible on a medium scale production.
Although Wangping, a medium-scale mine with an annual production of 1.5 million tons, has not seen a severe accident in years, Wang says this does not mean no blood has been shed.
Sales professional production of various kinds of horizontal, vertical, ùlarge, medium and small-scale sawing machine .
The main production profit margin of medium-sized (100 ~ 499 head) feedlot was 18.02%, and highest among different scale feedlots. The management level of large-scale feedlots must be improved.
不同规模的牛场,主产品利润率以中型规模(100 ~ 499头)牛场最高,为18.02%,大型牛场经营管理水平有待提高。
In the United States, several companies are conducting research and medium-scale experiment on extracting oil from oil sand and no commercial production has started yet.
Through analysis of the problems existing in the design of pure water production line of small and medium scale, countermeasures were recommended in this paper.
The CJD Full Automatic Gantry Style Electroplate Production Line applies to the electroplating of large and medium sized workpieces and large scale production.
In spite of a downward trend, its technical efficiency is still higher than the efficiency of the middle scale. The production efficiency of medium-sized household has greater room for improvement.
In spite of a downward trend, its technical efficiency is still higher than the efficiency of the middle scale. The production efficiency of medium-sized household has greater room for improvement.